

Counselling is a form of talk therapy where people can meet with a qualified counsellor to speak through concerns, issues or challenges they may be facing. Our counselling services at Thrive on Therapy cover a wide range of tactics and strategies suited to what the individual prefers and the options best suited to their situation. 

Emotional support: Counselling provides a safe and non-judgmental space to express and explore emotions related to living with a disability. It can help individuals process feelings that may arise due to the challenges they face.

Coping strategies: Our counsellors teach effective coping strategies to manage the psychological and emotional impact of living with a disability. We help individuals develop resilience, problem-solving skills, and adaptive strategies to overcome obstacles and improve overall well-being.

Self-acceptance and self-esteem: Our counsellors help individuals recognise their strengths and abilities. This assists in shifting the focus from limitations to personal growth, fostering a positive self-image, and empowering individuals to embrace their identity beyond their disability.

Adjustment and life transitions: A disability often entails significant life changes and adjustments. Thrive on Therapy counsellors provide guidance and support to help navigate these transitions by helping acquire new skills, adjusting to assistive devices, or transitioning to different living arrangements or educational/work environments.

Relationship and social support: Counselling can address challenges related to relationships and social interactions. Our counsellors help individuals develop effective communication skills, assertiveness, and boundary-setting strategies. Counsellors may also assist in building social support networks and provide tools for improving relationships with family, friends, and caregivers.

Goal-setting and empowerment: Our counsellors assist in identifying personal aspirations and exploring pathways to achieve them. We’re experts at setting realistic goals and working towards them.

Advocacy and access to resources: Thrive on Therapy counsellors serve as advocates for individuals with disabilities, helping them navigate systems and access appropriate resources and support services. This may include connecting them to disability-related organisations, educational opportunities, vocational rehabilitation, or disability-specific programs and benefits.

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